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%O =_   2Topics to cover:QWho we are and what we do Why we need civil rights laws to protect people with disabilities Overview of the major federal disability laws How the laws apply in a Higher Education context Making reasonable accommodations Filing grievances, Administrative Complaints & lawsuits Students, Professors and Disability Services working togetherRZRTennessee Protection & AdvocacyfFederally mandated  watchdog agency monitoring individual state compliance with federal disability rights laws including: Americans with Disabilities Act Rehabilitation Act Fair Housing Act Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Architectural Barriers Act*{ZZ{SERVICES WE PROVIDE:Advocates, Attorneys and Outreach personnel in three offices (Knoxville, Memphis and Nashville) provide the following FREE services: Education, Outreach, and Program Evaluation services to government agencies, schools, and businesses Systemic Advocacy to address deficits in state systems and programs Direct Advocacy and mediation on behalf of qualifying individuals Formal Legal Representation in select cases*hULServices: Individual Legal Advocacy Services and Formal Legal RepresentationNew cases must fit into our annually mandated and approved Priorities, Goals and Objectives (posted on our website www.tpainc.org) People with issues concerning their legal rights as a disabled person can call our Intake unit to determine if they qualify for our services under any of our six different grant programs (PADD, PAIMI, PAIR, PAAT, PABSS & CAP) Information and Referral services are provided to all callers Self-Advocacy resources provided to all callersBZsV iV2Services: Educational Outreach & Systemic AdvocacyRaising statewide awareness of Disability Rights Laws Assisting public and private entities in understanding and interpreting complex federal statutes and case law Providing training on requirements for compliance with Federal Disability Rights law Partnering with other agencies to facilitate unified action on behalf of individuals with disabilities in Tennessee Advocating for systems change to enhance and protect Disability Rights in TennesseeZ),Why Do We Need the Federal Disability Laws? Congressional findings: 43,000,000 Americans have one or more physical or mental disabilities, the number is increasing daily. Historically, society has isolated and segregated individuals with disabilities Prior to the ADA, people who were discriminated against on the basis of disability often had no legal recourse to address it Discrimination includes: intentional exclusion, architectural or communication barriers, exclusionary qualification standards and criteria, relegation to lesser services*3.Disability Laws Applicable to Higher EducationAmericans with Disabilities Act (broad-reaching anti-discrimination statute) (NOT an  entitlement law) Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 (education programs, when viewed in entirety, must be accessible) - Section 508 (internet accessibility) MZZZZyZK       C )  4 How the laws apply:ADA applies to all post-secondary educational programs even if such programs do NOT receive federal financial assistance ADA may not apply to opportunities offered by religious schools that require acceptance of religious beliefs as a qualification of admission. 6Z7B pRehabilitation Act applies to all post-secondary educational programs that receive federal financial assistance 4pK% *$ The Americans with Disabilities ActThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. The act also applies to the U.S. Congress. Title I: Employment Title II: State & Local Government services Title III: Public accommodations operated by private businesses Title IV: TelecommunicationsZZa"|",",f]+Who is covered by the ADA?>To be protected by ADA, one must have a disability or have a relationship or association with an individual with a disability. ADA does not specifically name all the impairments that are covered. Definitely covered: mobility, sensory, or mental impairments that substantially limits one or more major life activities ? |5"Rehabilitation Act 504( NProvides that: A college or university is required to make such modifications to its academic requirements as are necessary to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate or have the effect of discriminating, on the basis of handicap, against a qualified handicapped applicant or student. 34 C.F.R. 104.44 [emphasis added] b>   5   @+zA  qualified person with a disability is legally defined as:iA person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; OR A person who has a record or history of such an impairment; OR A person who is regarded as having such an impairment AND: Must meet the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the educational program or activity. 8iZZC/@Some Examples of  qualification Student s evaluation indicates that he has a learning disability with problems in reading, spelling, written language, organizational skills and auditory memory, and needs extra processing time and oral presentation of information, the student is a person with a disability, because he is substantially limited in a major life activity, namely, learning. 2eZ""A" A student with ADHD, with documentation indicating that she has limitations in attention and behavior that present clinically significant levels of disorganization and distractibility has a covered disability which substantially limits major life function, the ability to learn. 0"?"E2Qualification continued:"Recovered alcoholics or drug abusers are persons with a disability. Persons currently abusing drugs or alcohol may be persons with disabilities under Section 504 but are not considered disabled under the ADA. Under both laws, a person may not be qualified for an educational program because of adverse behavior that sometimes accompanies alcoholism and drug addiction. Generally, persons with contagious diseases who are otherwise qualified to participate in federally assisted programs and activities cannot be denied equal access to services. X#ZD^<A-;ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS ARE PRESERVED IN THE LAW:A person is not a  qualified person with a disability if s/he requires significant alterations in the core educational program in order to participate effectively or achieve the purpose of the program. * B.FAIR TREATMENT:STUDENTS ARE STILL REQUIRED TO MEET ESSENTIAL, ACADEMIC & TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY WITH OR WITHOUT REASONABLE ACCOMODATION BUT Reasonable accommodations must be provided to qualified students who identify themselves as such fD0Reasonable Accommodation Reasonable accommodations must be made if they would allow a qualified person with disabilities to effectively participate in an educational program or service. D    ]K5 Essential, Academic & Technical Standards clarified: fundamentally altering programs or instruction is not required Academic standards (for instance, minimum GPA requirements) must be upheld J*9 Technical standards must be upheld (applicants to surgical programs must have fine motor dexterity, for example) If a person with a disability manifests a  direct threat to the health and safety of themselves or others, they may be excluded6  I`NDeterminations regarding  necessary and  essential requirements need to be made on a case by case basis:kk"Determinations by the college as to the existence of a disability and the accommodations required are to be individualized. OCR Letter, Anne Arundel Community College (MD), 13 NDLR 62 (January 6, 1998) Question of whether a student has provided documentation sufficient to evidence the existence of a disability requiring an academic adjustment ... must be decided on a case by case basis OCR Letter, Hood College (MD), 12 NDLR 127 (September 29, 1997) XZb   O" A" aO:OCR on Difficulty Assessing Impact of Learning Disability:OCR recognizes that  [a]ssessment of learning disabilities in this context is complex in at least three ways: not all persons with this diagnostic label have the same type of impairment; the degree of impairment will vary; and the available diagnostic tools are not always sufficiently sensitive to predict definitively how the impairment will manifest itself in a particular skill area ... . OCR Letter, Mt. San Antonio College, OCR Docket Number 09 96 2151 (May 30, 1997). ""bP:Facts need analysis irrespective of persuasion by student:Note, too, that the  ability of a disabled student services office to persuade an instructor or academic department to provide an adjustment/accommodation should not be the determining factor in whether the student is accorded an accommodation to which she or he is entitled. OCR Letter, Mt. San Antonio College, OCR Docket Number 09 96 2151 (May 30, 1997)  hZf cQ7"try and see if you can pass it" approach is dangerous:88 OCR states that  [t]his approach raises a number of concerns under Section 504 and Title II. Under most circumstances, it is discriminatory to require the student to consume his or her time and jeopardize his or her grade point average taking a particular ... course when the person qualified to administer and/or interpret the psychometric data has determined that the student, due to his or her disability, is highly unlikely to pass the course with any of the accommodations the institution can identify and/or deliver. OCR Letter, Mt. San Antonio College, OCR Docket Number 09 96 2151 (May 30, 1997). $aZ`"dR7Course substitution or waiver is better (if necessary):Course substitutions should be considered unless the recipient can demonstrate that the course is essential to the program of study being pursued by the student, and that allowing a substitution would, therefore, involve a fundamental alteration of its academic program. 28 C.F.R. 35.130(b)(7). If a course substitution is called for, but no appropriate course for substitution is available, a waiver should be considered as an option. OCR Letter, Mt. San Antonio College, OCR Docket Number 09 96 2151 (May 30, 1997). X Z*"v"""T"G3&Reasonable Accommodations May Include:A change in an educational program (i.e., allowing a student with a severe hearing loss to substitute a required course such as music with another course even though music is a requirement for graduation), so long as it does not alter the program's fundamental nature; Structural modifications (i.e., ramps, wide doorways, accessible bathrooms); Providing modified equipment (i.e., Braille keyboard on a word processor); and/or Providing aides such as interpreters or readers. 2lVBFWhat isn t considered  reasonable ?Accommodation must not require fundamental alteration in the nature of an academic program Requested accommodations that could be effectively provided at a lower cost Accommodations that would require  undue administrative or economic burden $ WC$So What Accommodations Are Required?PBecause every case is different, each request MUST be considered in light of particular circumstances No definitive statement can be made about what is and is not required by the law When evaluating, keep in mind the overall objective of the law is to provide  equal access not unfair advantage B(fQN XDAccommodation guidelines:Paul Grossman chief regional attorney of the San Francisco office of the U.S. Department of Education s Office for Civil Rights and adjunct professor of disability law at the University of California s Hastings College of Law gives the following advice: (Offered as a guideline in his private capacity. Neither of his employers reviewed or approved the text.) Rm iZGLikely to be sustained:33 Time and a half to double time on examinations Moderately reduced course loads Extra time to complete course loads to the extent curricular continuity is not impaired Limited leaves of absence for medical treatment and recovery Registration assistance Assistance in applying for financial aid Classroom modifications (preferential seating, taping, and note-taking assistance Priority in housing for students who need a single or large room Priority in parking for students with mobility impairments and certain psychological disabilities JZ " ZZ[H:Less Likely to be sustained, but depends on circumstances:; 0 More than double time on examinations Long-term leaves of absence Course substitution or waiver Reduced participation and attendance in classroom @ " \IUnlikely to be sustained:f Unlimited time for examinations Unlimited time for degree completion Unlimited leaves of absence Permission to entirely avoid attendance expectations applied to students in general Reassignment to another teacher Provision of examinations or instructional services off-campus except when generally provided to students Individualized instruction or tutoring except when commonly provided to students Restructuring of the curriculum to address the student s individual learning style6Z " Z^L:A special note about fairness for all students in testing:E Providing accommodations of extra time allows you to measure what students have learned, instead of measuring the impact of their disability Research indicates that having extra time does not have a significant impact on the performance of students without learning disabilities. Tests should measure mastery of material, not speed, unless speed is a professional requirement Unilateral testing by disability services office may be considered segregation /discriminatory treatment best practice = testing accommodations on an individualized basis between professors and students0FP6XjW!Student vs. School ResponsibilityStudent must: Identify themselves as person with a disability Provide necessary documentation Request accommodation Work with Disability Services Office and Professors to implement modification (mZNuts and Bolts for Professors:Read syllabus statement at beginning of class (inviting students to request accommodations) IF student approaches you with certification letter, meet to discuss strategies for accommodation (meeting does NOT have to be outside normal office hours) Determine needs / make reasonable accommodations on an ongoing basis Call Disability Services for support, clarifying needs, and resolving disputeslkX7High School v.s. Post-Secondary Impact of Laws Compared&8  lYAChanging Roles from High School to College: Taking ResponsibilityO;"Accommodation Examples: Low Vision# Large print lab handouts, lab signs, equipment labels TV monitor connected to microscope to enlarge images Class assignments made available in electronic format Computer equipped to enlarge screen and imagesZP<!Accommodation Examples: Blindness" LAudio or Brailled lecture notes, handouts and texts Raised line drawings and tactile models Braille signs and equipment labels Adaptive lab equipment (talking thermometers, probes, timers) Class assignments made available electronically Computer with optical character reader, voice output, Braille screen display and printer outputMMQ=*Accommodation Examples: Hearing Impairment+.Interpreter,  real time captions, FM system, note taker Face turned toward student when speaking; use of visual aids Written assignments, lab instructions, demonstration summaries Visual warning system for lab emergencies Use of electronic mail for class and private discussionsR>+Accommodation Examples: Learning Disability,Note takers and/or audiotape class sessions Extra exam time, alternative testing arrangements Visual, aural and tactile demonstrations incorporated into instruction Computer with voice output, spell and grammar check S?+Accommodation Examples: Mobility Impairment,Note takers/lab assistants; group lab assignments Classrooms, labs, field trips in accessible locations only Adjustable tables, lab equipment within reach Class assignments in electronic format Computer equipped with special input device (e.g. voice, morse code, alternative keyboard)ZT@)Accommodation Examples: Health Impairment*Note takers Flexible attendance requirements and extra exam time Assignments in electronic format; use of e-mail to facilitate communicationfT_Law applies to provision of all secondary education programs, services and processes including:W(1) Admission and recruitment (2) Academics (3) Housing (4) Research (5) Financial aid  XW  b(6) Counseling (7) Physical education (8) Athletics (9) Transportation (10) Employment assistancecZc 6!+Discrimination in Admissions is Prohibited. Admissions tests must be given in accessible locations and to all students. Reasonable accommodations are required in admissions testing. Admissions tests should accurately reflect a person's aptitudes or achievement levels rather than the effects of a disability. Quotas for persons with disabilities are prohibited. Generally, pre-admission inquiries into disabling conditions are not allowed.0ZZH4,Discrimination in Course Work is Prohibited. Students may not be excluded from courses, majors, or technical programs because of disability. Modifications that do not fundamentally alter a program are required. Auxiliary education aids for persons with sensory, manual, speaking, or learning disabilities must be provided (i.e., course materials in Braille, taped text books, sign language interpreter for a student with a hearing impairment). However, an institution is not required to provide auxiliary aids for personal use (e.g., a tape recorder for home study). " Z I5(Denial of Physical Access is Prohibited.Educational facilities must be physically accessible for use by persons with disabilities. The ADA and Section 504 do not require that every building, facility, or area be barrier free, so long as the program overall is readily accessible to persons with disabilities. Students must be able to access their classrooms, laboratories, libraries, recreation areas, administration, etc.  & Grievances:ZInternal Grievance Procedures Under Section 504 Educational programs with at least 15 employees must have a grievance procedure to promptly resolve complaints of discrimination. A student complaining of discrimination should follow the educational program's own internal grievance procedures, if any, before filing a federal agency complaint. :1'1'J6?Filing Complaint of Discrimination with Federal Funding Agency:bA written complaint can be made to the federal agency that provides money to the educational program. A complaint should be in letter form and should include the following: Name, address, and telephone number of the person discriminated against; Name, address, and telephone number of the educational program, including the names of the program's employees who are thought to have acted in a discriminatory manner; A brief description of the discriminatory acts; The dates of the discriminatory acts; and A description of any efforts already made to remedy the problem, and the results of those efforts. NZlZZK7 ADA Complaints on DiscriminationAny individual who believes that he has been discriminated against may request that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) initiate an administrative investigation. A special unit within the DOJ will process individual complaints. The DOJ's address and phone number for requesting administrative enforcement assistance is: U. S. Department of Justice Main Justice Building 10th Street & Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 (202) 314-0301 <KZZZL8Filing Lawsuits for DamagesPrivate individuals have the right to sue educational programs that violate Section 504 and the ADA. It is not necessary to file a complaint with the funding agency before filing a Section 504 lawsuit or with the DOJ before filing an ADA lawsuit. Under the ADA, a person may also request that the United States Attorney General file a lawsuit on behalf of the person claiming discrimination. If the institution loses the case, in most cases they must also pay plaintiff s attorneys fees. "Z'Further Resources:cAssociation on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) (www.ahead.com) DAIS (Disability Information Access and Support) - A very important resource for colleges and universities developing or assessing their disability policies. DAIS, headed by Jane E. Jarrow, Ph.D. , provides extensive technical assistance and training, much through the DAIS Academy. DSSHE-L listserv (Disabled Student Services in Higher Education) - Subscribers are mainly postsecondary service providers. To subscribe, e-mail listserv@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu. Omit a subject. The message: sub dsshe-l yourfirstname yourlastname <dZ`0609F0Iy0eSFurther Resources, Cont.HEATH Resource Center (www.heath-resource-center.org EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information) (http://www.rit.edu/%7Eeasi/) EASI's mission is to serve as a resource to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities. Closing the Gap (www.closingthegap.com) Extensive and detailed information about computing technology for use in special education and rehabilitation. 0ZZ00405d0f 0AP_M Disability is a natural part of the human condition. - Justin DartCreative, innovative, individualized ways people with disabilities utilize to accomplish tasks provides solutions that can benefit everyone Strive for a vision of  Universal Design Inclusive planning for structures, tools and methods of teaching take into account the full range of human experience and diversity of auditory, visual, linear and intuitive thinkers*ZZ($Feel free to call us with questions:  ` 3ffffƍ` 3f3fff̙3ff̙` ______` 3f33>?" dZ@$?lKd@   l@  P`lA n?" dd@   @@``PT   @ ` `p>> L0 b Z  (  :F  "n  0"n  0""  <(G0*"p` @   6 "@  T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0 "@  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Tennessee Correction Academy TrainingLL"  p 0Y    Y @ May 21, 2002  "  p 6Y `P  Y Z*"  p 6Y `  Y \*" H p 0޽h ? ̙3380___PPT10.0">W L0 0[\(  P V C (Aheader@P W TT= ??@p `  > 2  X T= ??q  RLegal Perspectives on Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Higher EducationS(2S [ H( = ?"P p j d.East Tennessee State University March 25, 2003/(2/"H  0޽h ? 3f3fff̙3ff̙y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +L0  P(    BD@ ?" NPaul Grossman, writing about his brother s decision to persevere through law school while in the last stages of terminal cancer of the spine: 2   B\@?"`p P & as his body gradually lost the physical indicia of life  eating, sex and mobility  he remained a human being, affirmed by his ability to think, learn and persuade. (2$|  B@ ?"0@ Paul D. Grossman, Making Accommodations: The Legal World of Students with Disabilities, 87 Academe: Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors, 41-46 (November-December 2001).  2 H  0޽h ? 3f3fff̙3ff̙y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +  L0 `P(  r  S @     S 2@@0<$0  H  0޽h ? 3f3fff̙3ff̙___PPT10e.+} <D' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*\%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*\%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*R%(+8+0+= +3 L0 pP(  r  S #=@  =   S $=@<$ 0 = H  0޽h ? 3f3fff̙3ff̙___PPT10.+lD{' = @B D6' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +Dm' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*{%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*{D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*{D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*{%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*{D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*{D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_xBCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*4D' =+4 8?dCB0-#ppt_h/2BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*4+8+0+= + L0 P(  r  S  8=@  =   S 9=@<$ 0 = H  0޽h ? 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H` 9Admittance factors same for all, admission must be earned:: @`  H ?"H  CApplies universally till age 21 or diploma earned (whichever first)DD @`  HЌ ?" O`H WACCESS ORIENTED @`  Hĕ ?"O H XSUCCESS ORIENTED @`  HD ?" `O r*Equal access not necessarily equal outcome++ @`   H ?" O i!successful learning/equal outcome"" @`   H̸ ?" `  _Aids and accommodations @`   H, ?"  _Remedial learning tools @`   H( ?" `  XCivil rights law @`   H ?"  WEntitlement law @`  H ?" `  ZOptional education @`  H< ?"  p(Free and appropriate mandatory education)) @`  H ?" ` bMust provide accommodation @`  H ?"  ]MUST provide services @`  H<: ?" ` OADA/504 @`  H< ?"  PIDEA/504   @`  H= ?" ` ^College/University @`  H. ?"  W High School   @`B  Ho ?"`B  B1 ?"`B  B1 ?"`B  B1 ?"`B  B1 ?" ` B  B1 ?" ` B  B1 ?" ` B  B1 ?"O`OB  B1 ?"H`HB  Ho ?"`B   Ho ?"B ! B1 ?"  B " Ho ?"``H  0޽h ? 3f3fff̙3ff̙  L0 sk$$(  x  c $@   K  # #"."wwxw  H ?"  OStudent @`  Ho ?"  VPlacement Team @`  Hp ?"  [Transition Planning @`  Hx ?"   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Post-Secondary Impact of Laws ComparedBChanging Roles from High School to College: Taking Responsibility#Accommodation Examples: Low Vision"Accommodation Examples: Blindness+Accommodation Examples: Hearing Impairment,Accommodation Examples: Learning Disability,Accommodation Examples: Mobility Impairment*Accommodation Examples: Health Impairment`Law applies to provision of all secondary education programs, services and processes including:,Discrimination in Admissions is Prohibited.-Discrimination in Course Work is Prohibited.)Denial of Physical Access is Prohibited. Grievances:@Filing Complaint of Discrimination with Federal Funding Agency:!ADA Complaints on DiscriminationFiling Lawsuits for DamagesFurther Resources:Further Resources, Cont.O“Disability is a natural part of the human condition.” - Justin Dart%Feel free to call us with questions:  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles7H 8@ _PID_HLINKSA6http://www.ahead.org/http://www.ahead.com/*mailto:listserv@listserv.acsu.buffalo.eduhttp://www.janejarrow.com/&http://www.heath-resource-center.org/&http://www.heath-resource-center.org/http://www.rit.edu/%7Eeasi/http://www.rit.edu/%7Eeasi/http://www.closingthegap.com/)_lYJoseph G. MerhautJoseph G. Merhaut  !"#$%&'()*+,-./123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !")Root EntrydO)Pictures_Current UserSummaryInformation(`UPowerPoint Document(0$lDocumentSummaryInformation80